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To: lightwave@mail.webcom.com
From: todd@io.eyec.com (Todd Manning)
Subject: RE: Par Problem
Sender: owner-lightwave@mail.webcom.com
Precedence: bulk
Been there, done that. =(:) It must be a heat problem that has developed
over time. Even though I have had an external fan cooling the drive from
day one.
Anim files play fine after Amiga sits for a time. Those same anims then do
the flash dance after aprox 5 minutes spin time. Very consistant. Say Bye
Bye to drive for six weeks. @&%$#!!
I also have one of those "other Alphas" and was thinking about a PVR for it.
I'm worrrried now about more of these same problems. Also, does the video
digi board for the PVR input video at the same "D1" quality that anims are
todd@io.eyec.com (Todd Manning) sent this message.
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